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Program #3457 - Aired in 2017 | Pop-out a Player

“Carole” (and Jay) Classic Pt 1

Alcoholism, Anxiety, Depression  

Carole seemed to have it all, but fear and anxiety led her to the brink of destruction. See how she escaped as we bring you the classic true story of "Carole," soon, on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3852 - Aired in 2024 | Pop-out a Player

Holland Oates Classic

Addiction, Alcoholism, Evangelism, Loss/Grief, Mission Work, Searching, Stonecutter  

For years Holland Oates was a stonecutter and a drunk. Then he stumbled over a Stone the builders rejected, and he was never the same. Don't miss this remarkable true testimony from the Classic files of Unshackled!


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Program #3848 - Aired in 2024 | Pop-out a Player

Daniel Martin

Abuse, Alcoholism, Depression, Drugs, Ministry, Searching  

With such a rough childhood, it was no surprise that Daniel's life centered around just getting by - coping. In high school, the consequences caught up with him and landed him in jail. Will he make it out? Don't miss his exciting true story on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3850 - Aired in 2024 | Pop-out a Player

Laura Swaringim

Depression, Discipleship, Divorce, Healing, Legalism, Loss/Grief, Mentoring, Music  

The truth may hurt, but denying the truth can hurt even more as Laura Swaringim learned when her husband left her for another woman. Don't miss this relevant exploration of commitment, another true dramatization on Unshackled!


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Program #3834 - Aired in 2024 | Pop-out a Player

Jettie Evans Classic

Alcoholism, Legalism, Poverty  

Jettie is the fourth of twelve children. She believes in God but her family doesn't go to church. She goes occasionally with a neighbor. She has to quit school at 14 to help at home. At 18 she's allowed to stay behind when the family moves. She works, meets Brady and he promises to get a job. He joins the army and they marry. But his bad discharge from the navy ends his enlistment. He becomes a drunk, staying out all night. Jettie prays for salvation and leaves him. After he is saved, they move to Chicago and discover "Unshackled!" They go to PGM for years and foster a child from the Women and Children's Division.


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Program #3819 - Aired in 2024 | Pop-out a Player

Retreat at Ajalon

Depression, Doubt, Easter, Faith, Inspirational, Rebellion, Suicidal  

A man struggling to find life's worth, a hillside retreat, and the holy power of the resurrection story, all collide in our Easter Classic, "Retreat at Ajalon." Don't miss hearing how Christ poured out his love as he gave up his life. And the glorious power in which he was raised from the grave, conquering death. This listener favorite is on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3796 - Aired in 2023 | Pop-out a Player

Vernon Goff Part One

Alcoholism, Pride, Selfishness  

Vernon Goff got saved as a teenager and lived in a good family. Then how could he end up as a drug runner, heading to prison? Sometimes we may say to ourselves, "I would never do that". That's what Vernon said. Find out what happened, right now on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3797 - Aired in 2023 | Pop-out a Player

Vernon Goff Part Two

Alcoholism, Pride, Selfishness  

Vernon Goff was a simple fisherman. He never dreamed he'd become a drug runner in a world of speed boats and night runs. Would he escape that treacherous life? Or pay the ultimate price? Find out in this part 2 of his gripping story.right now on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3791 - Aired in 2023 | Pop-out a Player

“Second Best” Classic

Anxiety, Rebellion  

Hearing the news of his son in jail, David could feel his successful life fraying at the seams. He split town thinking his leaving would help him find clarity. But what he learned is that his entire life had been a series of "second best" choices. Would he ever recover? Find out in this classic episode called "Second Best", right now on UNSHACKLED!
