Station Agreement Form

Interested in broadcasting UNSHACKLED content? Complete the station agreement form below and we will confirm with you if permission to air UNSHACKLED programs is granted.



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Copyright Information

All UNSHACKLED content, which includes UNSHACKLED, Clu Crew, History’s Greatest Sermons, Daily Devotionals, Free Indeed, and Desencadenados is copyrighted and the property of Pacific Garden Mission. Unshackled programs can only be used on the approved platform & not republished on any other platforms or stations without permission. Stations airing or platforms playing UNSHACKLED without permission  are violating copyright laws. No portion of UNSHACKLED content may be used for any purpose other than as originally intended in its original completed form. UNSHACKLED in any media format may not be sold, offered as “prizes,” placed behind a pay wall, or in any other way, be assigned a monetary value.