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Hispanic, Medic, Religion, Trials
If you feel that you're being tested to the limit of endurance, don't miss the dramatic story of Louis Holguin who was tested repeatedly. Invite others to hear his true testimony on "Unshackled!"
Abortion, Control, Ethics, Freedom, Government, On the Run, Socialism
Cal and Marie Freeman are a happy couple. They don't make waves, and they abide by the rules the one-world government has put in place for the betterment of people-kind. What does a good person do when the government expects you to kill your own child? Listen to The Not-So-Great Reset, on UNSHACKLED!
Abortion, Control, Ethics, Freedom, Government, On the Run, Socialism
Cal and Marie Freeman were a happy couple. They took full advantage of the lifestyle the government provided. But almost overnight, their lives changed when they decided they didn't want to take the life of their unborn daughter. Sound far-fetched? Listen to "The No-So-Great Reset Part 2," on UNSHACKLED!
Addiction, Anger, Gambling, Inspirational, Loss/Grief, Poverty
Worth's family is poor. His dad has skin cancer and drinks whiskey to deal with the pain. Scared of hell while attending a revival, Worth joins the church at 12 years old, but he still doesn't know Christ. He drops out of school to work, and when he tries to return to his education, the Depression forces him back into the labor force. He falls in love with Dot, but gambling controls him after they marry. He mocks his sister's Christianity. After his brother is killed in World War II, he becomes bitter at God. His sister reminds him that if he had been killed, he'd be in hell. He finally yields to God and eventually becomes an evangelist.
Daniel & Françoise Dossmann Classic
Inspirational, Marriage Conflict, Mission Work, Music, World Religions
Daniel and Françoise Dossmann grew up in Paris and examined all the world's major faiths, hoping to find out which one was true. Don't miss their powerful story and what they discovered on the next Unshackled!
Sophie grew up terrified of death and of God because of three deaths in her immediate family. Don't miss the unique testimony of how her fears were banished.another true dramatization from the Classic files of Unshackled!
Joyce Thurner-Gallacher Classic
Abandonment, Abortion, Desperation, Freedom
More than a million babies are aborted each year in the U.S. alone. Joyce Thurner-Gallacher knows a better way. She suffered through abandonment, an abusive marriage and a violent assault before she found that Way, but the freedom and hope she has is for anyone. Invite your friends to hear this powerful true story right now on Unshackled!
Rodney Williams walked away from God right into the trap of alcohol and drugs. Hear the frightening story of where it led, in the first part of his true testimony, another dramatization right now on "Unshackled!"