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Program #2749 - Aired in 2003 | Pop-out a Player

Mavis Donaldson-Pt 1

Despair, Dysfunctional Life, Hopelessness, Illness, Lupus  


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Program #3862 - Aired in 2025 | Pop-out a Player

Charlene Phillips Part 1 (PG)

Abuse, Addiction, Anger, Broken Famil, Cherokee Indian, Despair, Drugs, Rebellion  

Hatred drove Charlene Phillips to fight with a fury until someone taught her to love. Don't miss the first of this Cherokee Indian's two-part testimony, another true dramatization on "Unshackled!"


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Program #3785 - Aired in 2023 | Pop-out a Player

Richard Haddad Classic

Alcoholism, Hopelessness, Mental Illness  

Richard Haddad had everything going for him, until a dizzy spell at work changed the course of his future. With this health on the decline, and doctors unable to make a diagnosis, Richard turned to alcohol to console him. Then things got even worse. Would it all turn around? Find out right now on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3773 - Aired in 2023 | Pop-out a Player


Communism, Freedom From Pain/Despair, Persecution  

Pastor Chang was raised in a Christian home but decades of communist rule in China tried to silence his faith. Don't miss this powerful story of how God protected him through years of betrayal and harsh imprisonment, right now on Unshackled!


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Program #3761 - Aired in 2023 | Pop-out a Player

Billy Crone

Despair, Drugs, New Age  

To ease the turmoil in his heart, Billy Crone attempted suicide at age 17. Then he slipped into new realms darkness. Don't miss the exciting story of how he was rescued to live in peace and joy.another true dramatization right now on "Unshackled!"


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Program #3745 - Aired in 2022 | Pop-out a Player

Kyle Hebert

Drinking, Hopelessness, Imprisonment, Loss  

When a boy loses his father, he gives up on all hopes and dreams and joins a motorcycle gang. It's only behind bars that he finds the freedom and peace he'd been missing his entire life. Get the full story when we bring you the true testimony of Kyle Hebert, right now on Unshackled!


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Program #3744 - Aired in 2022 | Pop-out a Player

Kristina Minaglia

Abuse, Hopelessness, Suicide  

Kristina Minaglia found herself with no car, no job, no food, no home, and no love. As she sat on a cold, hard park bench in the dark of night, she decided to take her life. And that's when she discovered someone who changed her life forever. Don't miss her remarkable true testimony. right now on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3695 - Aired in 2021 | Pop-out a Player

Laurie Sexton (PG)

Abuse, Hopelessness, Shame  

Unwanted from birth, Laurie Sexton did not experience the normal joys of childhood. Being raised by a tyrannical mother made it hard for her to understand that there could actually be a loving God who cared for her. Would she ever make it out of her cycle of abuse? Don't miss her compelling testimony.on the next UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3680 - Aired in 2021 | Pop-out a Player

Bernard (Bud) Rauschenberger

Alcoholism, Debt, Hopelessness  

It seemed like Bud would never conquer his battle with alcoholism. But when this truck driver dared to attend his sister's Bible study, he stepped into a redemption story that changed everything. Don't miss this exciting dramatization on UNSHACKLED!
