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Program #3119 - Aired in 2010 | Pop-out a Player


Depresion, Depression, Depression/Kidney Failure, Fear, Health, Insuficiencia, Kidney Failure, Renal  


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Program #3848 - Aired in 2024 | Pop-out a Player

Daniel Martin

Abuse, Alcoholism, Depression, Drugs, Ministry, Searching  

With such a rough childhood, it was no surprise that Daniel's life centered around just getting by - coping. In high school, the consequences caught up with him and landed him in jail. Will he make it out? Don't miss his exciting true story on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3850 - Aired in 2024 | Pop-out a Player

Laura Swaringim

Depression, Discipleship, Divorce, Healing, Legalism, Loss/Grief, Mentoring, Music  

The truth may hurt, but denying the truth can hurt even more as Laura Swaringim learned when her husband left her for another woman. Don't miss this relevant exploration of commitment, another true dramatization on Unshackled!


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Program #3837 - Aired in 2024 | Pop-out a Player

“Hope” Part 1

Abuse, Addiction, Drugs, Fear, Insecurity, Prison  

Hope grew up in a step family that didn't seem to have a place for her. Although she went to church early in life, her choices to fit in in high school began to take her down a dangerous road of drugs, drinking and promiscuity. In her attempts to deal with her addictions, she meets a man (Robert), a Bible believing Christian, but who is serving a 45 year sentence in prison. They marry through "proxy" but her continuing addiction leads to promiscuity and problems for herself and the daughter she lives with. She provokes a crazed drug dealer that threatens her into barricading herself in her daughter's home.


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Program #3822 - Aired in 2024 | Pop-out a Player

“Sophie” (Panko) Classic

Death, Fear, Religion  

Sophie grew up terrified of death and of God because of three deaths in her immediate family. Don't miss the unique testimony of how her fears were banished.another true dramatization from the Classic files of Unshackled!


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Program #3819 - Aired in 2024 | Pop-out a Player

Retreat at Ajalon

Depression, Doubt, Easter, Faith, Inspirational, Rebellion, Suicidal  

A man struggling to find life's worth, a hillside retreat, and the holy power of the resurrection story, all collide in our Easter Classic, "Retreat at Ajalon." Don't miss hearing how Christ poured out his love as he gave up his life. And the glorious power in which he was raised from the grave, conquering death. This listener favorite is on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3742 - Aired in 2022 | Pop-out a Player

Sharon Sommer

Depression, Doubt, Judaism  

Sharon Sommer grew up in an orthodox Jewish home. Although she studied the Hebrew bible she felt distant from her creator. Don't miss the powerful story of how an encounter with a Christian changed her life forever, on the next UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3729 - Aired in 2022 | Pop-out a Player

Darrin Quigley

Health Issues, Ministry, Redemption  

Darrin said the sinner's prayer when he was ten at church camp, and went on to party throughout his life, believing he was covered. But when drinking could no longer mask the pain radiating through his body, Darrin contemplated the significance of Christ's work, for the first time. Don't miss his enthralling true story on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3713 - Aired in 2022 | Pop-out a Player

Kathy Wellin Classic

Bulimia Depression, Over-Medication  

She couldn't break free of depression or her dependence on meds until she learned to trust in the true Physician. Don't Miss Kathy Wellin's timely story.another true testimony on UNSHACKLED!
