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Showing 1-2 of 2 programs matching "Zeal" in English

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Program #3810 - Aired in 2024 | Pop-out a Player

Saul to Paul

Humility, Inspirational, Jewish, Legalism, Pride, Surrender, Zeal  

Saul of Tarsus was a self-righteous and prideful Pharisee. He was loyal to his people, and to his religion. But later he called himself, "The chief of sinners." How does a man who followed the rules, but murdered Christians become the author of much of their New Testament? Find out how he went from, "Paul to Saul," right now on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3415 - Aired in 2016 | Pop-out a Player

Fleur Vaughan (PG)

Abuse, New Zealand  

It's tragic when a child grows up fearing her father as Fleur Vaughan did-with good reason. Don't miss the story of how she learned to forgive a twisted upbringing, another true dramatization on "UNSHACKLED!"
