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Showing 1-4 of 4 programs matching "Surrender" in English

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Program #3860 - Aired in 2024 | Pop-out a Player

Peter DeChat Part 1

Divorce, Pride, Surrender, Tragedy, Workaholic  

Peter DeChat worked hard at everything he did, including working out every day and becoming a successful entrepreneur. But when a plane crashes into his home, his life is instantly changed! Don't miss this powerful true story on the next Unshackled!


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Program #3829 - Aired in 2024 | Pop-out a Player

Misty River (Lynn Binder)

Addiction, Divorce, Family Disfunction, Rebellion, Surrender  

Growing up in an environment of violence, neglect and alcoholism, Misty tries to break the cycle of destruction in her own life. But attempt after attempt would show her how futile her efforts were. That is, until she discovered the power of true surrender. Don't miss her exciting true story on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3810 - Aired in 2024 | Pop-out a Player

Saul to Paul

Humility, Inspirational, Jewish, Legalism, Pride, Surrender, Zeal  

Saul of Tarsus was a self-righteous and prideful Pharisee. He was loyal to his people, and to his religion. But later he called himself, "The chief of sinners." How does a man who followed the rules, but murdered Christians become the author of much of their New Testament? Find out how he went from, "Paul to Saul," right now on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3801 - Aired in 2023 | Pop-out a Player

Special Thanksgiving Classic

Gratitude, Living Surrendered, Thanksgiving  

All too easily the cares of this world choke out the joy of the Lord in our lives. But this Thanksgiving Season, let the recollection of the Apostle Paul, and others who've endured trials and tragedies, inspire our hearts with gratitude. Don't miss this Special Thanksgiving Classic right now on UNSHACKLED!
