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Showing 1-4 of 4 programs matching "Muslim" in English

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Program #3604 - Aired in 2020 | Pop-out a Player

Nabeel Qureshi Pt 2

Disease, Family, Muslim  

As the compelling case for Christianity became more apparent to Nabeel, he struggled to know what to do with his Muslim upbringing. He was terrified to disappoint his parents and move away from the life he loved. Don't miss his thrilling story on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3603 - Aired in 2020 | Pop-out a Player

Nabeel Qureshi Pt 1

Faith Investigation, Family, Muslim  

Nabeel loved his Muslim upbringing and respected the wisdom and traditions his family instilled in him. But when his education and friendship set him down a path of critically investigating his faith, his world began to turn upside down. Don't miss his exciting story on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3195 - Aired in 2012 | Pop-out a Player


Iranian, Muslim, Paralysis  

Was an accident that left him paralyzed a punishment for his religious views? Don't miss the gripping story of "Firuz", another true dramatization on "UNSHACKLED!"


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Program #3156 - Aired in 2011 | Pop-out a Player

Sultan Ali Rahim Pt 2

Hypocrisy, Ismaili Muslim, Pakistan, Pakistani, Pride  

Are you willing to risk everything for the One Who loves you? Sultan Ali Rahim has as we'll hear in the conclusion of his remarkable testimony-another true dramatization on UNSHACKLED!
