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Showing 1-3 of 3 programs matching "Disease" in English

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Program #3684 - Aired in 2021 | Pop-out a Player

Danny Cox Pt 2

Disease, Marriage, Prison  

When Danny Cox gave his life to Christ as he awaited his conviction, he couldn't wait to get out of jail and start living like a new man! But when a discouraging prison sentence and a terminal illness changed his plans, he had to surrender to God in a whole new way. Don't miss the conclusion of Danny's compelling story, on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3604 - Aired in 2020 | Pop-out a Player

Nabeel Qureshi Pt 2

Disease, Family, Muslim  

As the compelling case for Christianity became more apparent to Nabeel, he struggled to know what to do with his Muslim upbringing. He was terrified to disappoint his parents and move away from the life he loved. Don't miss his thrilling story on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3556 - Aired in 2019 | Pop-out a Player

Isobel Kuhn Pt 2

Anxiety, Disease, Missions  

Isobel Kuhn felt called to serve the rural mountain tribes in China in God's name, but she had no idea what was in store. She would face grave danger, disease and uncertainty but she would also witness the power of community and faith. Find out what happens on the true story of her journey as a missionary in China on UNSHACKLED!
