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What is the key to preventing suicide? In Sam Dalton's case it wasn't "what", it was "Who". Don't miss his timely true testimony, another dramatization from the Classic files of UNSHACKLED!
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Addiction, Desperation, Drug, Prison, Rehabilitatio, Suicidal
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Worth's family is poor. His dad has skin cancer and drinks whiskey to deal with the pain. Scared of hell while attending a revival, Worth joins the church at 12 years old, but he still doesn't know Christ. He drops out of school to work, and when he tries to return to his education, the Depression forces him back into the labor force. He falls in love with Dot, but gambling controls him after they marry. He mocks his sister's Christianity. After his brother is killed in World War II, he becomes bitter at God. His sister reminds him that if he had been killed, he'd be in hell. He finally yields to God and eventually becomes an evangelist.
Depression, Doubt, Easter, Faith, Inspirational, Rebellion, Suicidal
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Rodney Williams walked away from God right into the trap of alcohol and drugs. Hear the frightening story of where it led, in the first part of his true testimony, another dramatization right now on "Unshackled!"
Odell Summer was double-minded, wavering in his decisions. His weakness led to violence, sorrow and shame. Don't miss the first of his two-part story, right now on "Unshackled!"
Ken Edwards spent his life as a criminal, robbing banks and burglarizing. Don't miss the remarkable story of his redemption.another true dramatization from the Classic files of UNSHACKLED!
Addiction, Bitterness, Gambling, Loss
Mamie LaFlamme became a card shark at nine, cabaret dancer and drug addict after her mother gave her away. Don't miss the extraordinary classic story of how Someone gave Himself for her in this true dramatization on the next UNSHACKLED!