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Program #2992 - Aired in 2008 | Pop-out a Player

Phillip Foxwell-Pt 2

Gambling, Irish, Japan, Magician, Mago, Misionero a Japon, Missionary, Missionary to Japan, Missions  


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Program #3839 - Aired in 2024 | Pop-out a Player

Mary Slessor

Adversity, Africa, Heroes of the Faith, Historic Figure, Tribal Missions  

A uneducated woman living in the slums and working in a mill hears the adventurous stories of a missionary and decides she too can venture out for God. In the foreign jungles of Africa, what would it take for her to stand for God against tribal gods and superstitious killings? Don't miss Mary Slessor's historic true story, right now on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3832 - Aired in 2024 | Pop-out a Player

Worth Ellis Classic

Addiction, Anger, Gambling, Inspirational, Loss/Grief, Poverty  

Worth's family is poor. His dad has skin cancer and drinks whiskey to deal with the pain. Scared of hell while attending a revival, Worth joins the church at 12 years old, but he still doesn't know Christ. He drops out of school to work, and when he tries to return to his education, the Depression forces him back into the labor force. He falls in love with Dot, but gambling controls him after they marry. He mocks his sister's Christianity. After his brother is killed in World War II, he becomes bitter at God. His sister reminds him that if he had been killed, he'd be in hell. He finally yields to God and eventually becomes an evangelist.


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Program #3827 - Aired in 2024 | Pop-out a Player

Jack Ferguson Classic Part 2

Evangelism, Inspirational, Mexico, Missionary, Prison  

Jack Ferguson chose a life of hardship and danger to share with others the Way that changed his life. Don't miss the conclusion of his gripping testimony, another true dramatization from the Classic files of Unshackled!


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Program #3802 - Aired in 2023 | Pop-out a Player

Rodney Williams Part One (PG)

Drugs, Gambling, Guilt/Shame  

Rodney Williams walked away from God right into the trap of alcohol and drugs. Hear the frightening story of where it led, in the first part of his true testimony, another dramatization right now on "Unshackled!"


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Program #3798 - Aired in 2023 | Pop-out a Player

Samuel Morris

Faith, Historical Figure, Kidnapped, Missionary  

An African Prince taken hostage, a miraculous escape, and divine intervention led a young man to learn everything he could about his "Father." While most missionaries travel to third world countries to share the good news, this one came to an American college to equip himself for the jungles of Africa. Don't miss Samuel Morris's exciting true story right now on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3790 - Aired in 2023 | Pop-out a Player

Adoniram and Ann Judson

Historical Figures, Missions, Resiliency  

In the early 1800's, Adoniram and Ann Judson became the first missionaries to witness in Burma. They soon discovered why no one would go there. Don't miss the powerful true story about this remarkable historical couple, right now on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3782 - Aired in 2023 | Pop-out a Player

Stephen Lungu Part 2 Classic

Bravery, Missions, Providence  

The man in our story led a group of rebels into an evangelical tent intending to bomb it, but he walked out a transformed man. What he'd do with his newfound hope in the gospel would change countless lives. Don't miss his exciting true story, right now on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3753 - Aired in 2022 | Pop-out a Player


Bitterness, Divorce, Missionary, Unforgiveness  

When divorce shattered her parents' marriage, Trudy didn't see her father for more than two decades. Don't miss the revealing story of how she overcame the hidden thorn in her heart.another true dramatization, right now on "Unshackled!"
