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Program #3035 - Aired in 2009 | Pop-out a Player

Louis Holguin

Anger, Gambling, Rejection, Trials  


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Program #3862 - Aired in 2025 | Pop-out a Player

Charlene Phillips Part 1 (PG)

Abuse, Addiction, Anger, Broken Famil, Cherokee Indian, Despair, Drugs, Rebellion  

Hatred drove Charlene Phillips to fight with a fury until someone taught her to love. Don't miss the first of this Cherokee Indian's two-part testimony, another true dramatization on "Unshackled!"


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Program #3863 - Aired in 2025 | Pop-out a Player

Charlene Phillips Part 2

Abuse, Cherokee Indian, Faith, Healing, Mission Wor, Prayer, Recovery, Trials  

Charlene Phillips was ridiculed by her Cherokee Indian family when she found the answer to her broken spirit. But one by one they agreed. Don't miss the inspiring conclusion to her testimony.another true dramatization on Unshackled!


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Program #3849 - Aired in 2024 | Pop-out a Player

Louis Holguin

Hispanic, Medic, Religion, Trials  

If you feel that you're being tested to the limit of endurance, don't miss the dramatic story of Louis Holguin who was tested repeatedly. Invite others to hear his true testimony on "Unshackled!"


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Program #3843 - Aired in 2024 | Pop-out a Player

Michael Buhrman Part 2

Anger, Discipline, Freedom, Fugitive, Pornography, Prison, Restoration  

Michael Buhrman received a 40-year sentence for a crime he planned but never committed. He reluctantly agrees to read his cellmate's Bible, but only if his cellmate promises never to talk about God again. Don't miss the compelling conclusion of Michael's story, all on the next Unshackled!


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Program #3832 - Aired in 2024 | Pop-out a Player

Worth Ellis Classic

Addiction, Anger, Gambling, Inspirational, Loss/Grief, Poverty  

Worth's family is poor. His dad has skin cancer and drinks whiskey to deal with the pain. Scared of hell while attending a revival, Worth joins the church at 12 years old, but he still doesn't know Christ. He drops out of school to work, and when he tries to return to his education, the Depression forces him back into the labor force. He falls in love with Dot, but gambling controls him after they marry. He mocks his sister's Christianity. After his brother is killed in World War II, he becomes bitter at God. His sister reminds him that if he had been killed, he'd be in hell. He finally yields to God and eventually becomes an evangelist.


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Program #3830 - Aired in 2024 | Pop-out a Player

Allen Hons

Emptiness, Legalism, Nominal Christian, Perseverance, Rejection  

Allen Hons would cause a deep rift when leaving the church he attended his entire life. But while his family and community were at odds with his decision, he was receiving great strength and affirmation from another source. Learn all about it in this exciting true story, on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3802 - Aired in 2023 | Pop-out a Player

Rodney Williams Part One (PG)

Drugs, Gambling, Guilt/Shame  

Rodney Williams walked away from God right into the trap of alcohol and drugs. Hear the frightening story of where it led, in the first part of his true testimony, another dramatization right now on "Unshackled!"


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Program #3769 - Aired in 2023 | Pop-out a Player

Raul Ries Part 1

Abuse, Anger, Arrogance  

When the pain of abuse overwhelmed Raul Ries, he found taking out his fury on someone else helped ease his burden. But as the traumas grew, his anger couldn't keep up. But Raul would discover that God's grace could, and it changed his life forever. Don't miss his exciting true story, right now on UNSHACKLED!
