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Program #3565 - Aired in 2019 | Pop-out a Player

Hugh Nemets Pt 1

Aggression, Neglect, Suicide  

From a young age, Hugh felt isolated from his family and community. He learned to fend for himself and sought intimacy in a series of unhealthy relationships. When his first marriage failed, he spiraled in a self-destructive pattern and struggled to find something to care about. When his friend introduced him to Jesus, Hugh discovered a deep sense of connection and belonging that had been missing for so long. Don't miss his exciting story on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3799 - Aired in 2023 | Pop-out a Player

Dori Greeson Part One (PG)

Addiction, Divorce, Suicide  

Even though Dori Greeson taught her son to obey God, he still struggled with an alcohol addiction. Don't miss part 1 of this remarkable story of how God used a tragic loss to show the power of his grace and forgiveness. Right now on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3778 - Aired in 2023 | Pop-out a Player

Candice Talbot Part 1 (PG)

Alcohol/Abuse, Childhood Neglect, Emotional Brokenness  

Candice Talbot grew up in a troubled home where she raises her younger brothers and makes one bad decision after another. Don't miss part 1 of this powerful story of her quest for meaning, right now on Unshackled!


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Program #3744 - Aired in 2022 | Pop-out a Player

Kristina Minaglia

Abuse, Hopelessness, Suicide  

Kristina Minaglia found herself with no car, no job, no food, no home, and no love. As she sat on a cold, hard park bench in the dark of night, she decided to take her life. And that's when she discovered someone who changed her life forever. Don't miss her remarkable true testimony. right now on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3723 - Aired in 2022 | Pop-out a Player

Dawn Dopf

Alcoholism, Co-Dependence, Suicide  

How can you find self-respect and the will to live when everyone lets you down? Dawn Dopf kept searching for connection in the world, but she had to look up to find someone she could really count on. Hear the full story when we bring you another true testimony, soon, on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3657 - Aired in 2021 | Pop-out a Player

Amelia Walker

Alcoholism, Evangelism, Neglect  

As a child, Amelia Walker watched her parents numb the strains of life with alcohol and work. She wondered if life had any more meaning and if so, where could she find ultimate security? Don't miss her powerful story, another dramatization on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3642 - Aired in 2020 | Pop-out a Player

Rosemarie Florio (PG)

Abuse, Evangelism, Neglect  

As a child, Rosemarie suffered terrible neglect and abuse. She wondered if anyone could truly love her or if she could find meaning in her life, despite her broken beginning. Don't miss her moving story, another true dramatization on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3637 - Aired in 2020 | Pop-out a Player

Delores Liesner

Abuse, Depression, Forgiveness, Suicide Attempt  

Growing up, she was desperate to stop the pain of her mother's constant abuse, even by attempted suicide. Nothing she tried helped, until she found the one thing that could set her free. But that freedom came with a very high price, one she wasn't sure she was ready to pay. Don't miss the compelling true story of Delores Liesner, on the next UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3619 - Aired in 2020 | Pop-out a Player

Robert Decker (PG)

Alcoholism, Drugs, Suicide Attempt  

A man jumps from a third story window. Doctors say he'll never walk again. Where can he turn for strength? You'll hear the answer when we bring you the true story of Robert Decker, soon, on UNSHACKLED!
