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“Children of Wrath” New Year’s Classic (PG)
Child Abuse, Domestic Abuse, New Years, Rescue Mission, Shame, Wrath
Close to New Year's Eve, Jennifer and her daughter Evie end up at the mission after an incident of domestic abuse drives them from their home. But it would be a very different kind of resolution on New Year's Eve that would deliver them to the ultimate safety. Find out what happens in this special holiday Classic on the next Unshackled!
Addiction, Child Abuse, Drugs, Forgiveness, Loss/Greif, Mercy, Prison
Charles Daymon suffered horrible abuse as a child. As an adult, he's arrested for drug trafficking and faces a hundred-year prison sentence. Don't miss this powerful story of how an encounter with a prison chaplain changed his life forever, on the next Unshackled!
Alcoholism, Child Abuse, Forgiveness
Walter Terrell experienced years of abuse as a child, and he turned to drugs and alcohol to numb the memory of that suffering. Don't miss the dramatic story of how he was delivered on the next UNSHACKLED!
A young man became a boxer to fight the abuse in his life, but he needed something stronger than fists to fight his greatest opponent. Don't miss the exciting classic story of Johnny Garcia on the next UNSHACKLED!
Child Molestation, Forgiveness
No one seemed to care when Mary DeMuth was violated as a child. But Someone did care and has used her story to help others. Don't miss this heart-rending testimony, another true dramatization on UNSHACKLED!
Born with cerebral palsy, then contracting polio as a teenager, he fought against great odds, and finally found the Way to overcome. Don't miss this classic true story of Wally Dove on UNSHACKLED!