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Program #3030 - Aired in 2009 | Pop-out a Player

Bob Gardner Classic

Army, Blind, Blind Musician, Blindness, Empty, Insecurity, Musician, PGM  


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Program #3861 - Aired in 2025 | Pop-out a Player

Peter DeChat Part 2

Blindness, Faith, Inspirationa, Loss/Grief, Recovery, Suffering, Tragedy  

Peter DeChat survived a horrible fire but endured years of painful surgeries. Doctors were sure he'd never regain his vision, but Peter trusted God to do the impossible. Don't miss the conclusion of his powerful story on the next Unshackled!


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Program #3854 - Aired in 2024 | Pop-out a Player

Giving Thanks Always Classic

an Unbelieving Spouse, Evangelism, Inspirational, Marital Strife, Mission Work, PGM, Soul-Searching, Thanksgiving  

A chance meeting at a grocery store gives Tom an opportunity to investigate and scrutinize the religion that has caused a wedge between he and his wife. Will his worst fears be realized, or will he be surprised by the truth? Find out in this special Thanksgiving Classic on Unshackled!


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Program #3837 - Aired in 2024 | Pop-out a Player

“Hope” Part 1

Abuse, Addiction, Drugs, Fear, Insecurity, Prison  

Hope grew up in a step family that didn't seem to have a place for her. Although she went to church early in life, her choices to fit in in high school began to take her down a dangerous road of drugs, drinking and promiscuity. In her attempts to deal with her addictions, she meets a man (Robert), a Bible believing Christian, but who is serving a 45 year sentence in prison. They marry through "proxy" but her continuing addiction leads to promiscuity and problems for herself and the daughter she lives with. She provokes a crazed drug dealer that threatens her into barricading herself in her daughter's home.


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Program #3776 - Aired in 2023 | Pop-out a Player

Gail and Alice Evans Classic

Blind Ambition, Grace, Unequally-Yoked  

Gail Evans hoped his family going overboard with religion was just a he certainly wouldn't allow himself to be pulled into. But facing God in the stillness, would test his resolve. Find out what happens, right now on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3777 - Aired in 2023 | Pop-out a Player

Bob Gardner Classic

Alcohol, Blind, Country Music  

He was born blind, but Bob Gardner was also spiritually blind. Don't miss the remarkable true testimony of his rise to country music stardom, right now from the Classic files of "Unshackled!"


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Program #3755 - Aired in 2023 | Pop-out a Player

Amy Trees

Abuse, Discipleship, Insecurity, Unforgiveness  

Raised by a cruel and angry mother, Amy Trees grew up feeling alone and unworthy. Could she find a way to be free of the humiliation she suffered and find the kind of friend she longed for? Find out, right now on Unshackled!


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Program #3751 - Aired in 2022 | Pop-out a Player

Brady Evans Classic

Alcohol, Blindness, Crime, Rebellion  

He seemed to make all the wrong decisions, going nowhere, until he finally woke up and made the right one. Don't miss the true dramatization of Brady Evans, right now from the Classic files of "Unshackled!"


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Program #3746 - Aired in 2022 | Pop-out a Player

David Tripiciano

Adultery, Musician, Selfishness  

Being faithful didn't come naturally to Dave Tripiciano - not until he met Someone Who exemplified fidelity. Don't miss this tragic yet relevant testimony.another true dramatization, right now on UNSHACKLED!
