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Program #3350 - Aired in 2015 | Pop-out a Player

Arthur Katz Classic Pt 2

Apologetics, Christ  

Arthur Katz quit his teaching job and traveled through Europe and the Middle East. He hoped to find answers to life's deep moral questions, and the roots of his existence. In an Israeli bookstore, a woman helped him find what he was looking for. Find out what he learned in part 2 of the Arthur Katz story, from the classic files of UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3830 - Aired in 2024 | Pop-out a Player

Allen Hons

Emptiness, Legalism, Nominal Christian, Perseverance, Rejection  

Allen Hons would cause a deep rift when leaving the church he attended his entire life. But while his family and community were at odds with his decision, he was receiving great strength and affirmation from another source. Learn all about it in this exciting true story, on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3805 - Aired in 2023 | Pop-out a Player

Christmas Special Classic


A Christmas-themed tour through the heart of the city of Chicago reveals what's really going on underneath the festive mood and activities of all those celebrating. Once the covers are peeled back we learn that only a Divine child from a foreign land could truly bring peace and joy to the world! Don't miss this story right now on Unshackled!


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Program #3701 - Aired in 2021 | Pop-out a Player

Christmas Special Classic

Alcoholism, Coping, Reform  

Two alcoholics released from the state hospital at the worst time of the year for lapses: the holidays. When their situations go from bad to worse, will they turn back to their old habits or discover there's more than willpower to keep them from their old lifestyles? Don't miss this Classic Christmas Special, on the next UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3660 - Aired in 2021 | Pop-out a Player

Thomas Irvin Pt 2

Fatherlessness, Nominal Christianity, Rage  

Thomas Irvin grew up in the South, where there's a healthy respect for God and the Bible. But one day, he was shocked by a question that haunted his soul: Was he actually a Christian.or not? Discover a story that could be your own on the next UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3652 - Aired in 2021 | Pop-out a Player

Christopher Replogle Pt 2

Anger, Pride, Substance Abuse  

Christopher Replogle was a top gunner in the Marines, but once he left the military, he turned to a life of extremes as a high-stakes drug dealer. One night, he hit a wall - literally - at 100 miles per hour. Through the trials he faced, he got a picture of his life. What did he see? You'll find out on the next UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3651 - Aired in 2021 | Pop-out a Player

Christopher Replogle Pt 1

Alcoholism, Anger, Arrogance, War  

He was a top gunner in Iraq, sitting on top of a Humvee with a 50-caliber machine gun. But the world of Chris Replogle would soon explode in very unexpected ways when he would come face to face with an altogether new enemy. Hear all about it on the next UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3649 - Aired in 2020 | Pop-out a Player

Frank Holm-Christmas Classic

Drunkenness, Hopelessness, Suicidal  

Frank Holm came to America to find a better life, but when Christmas found him living on the streets instead of living the American Dream, would he find a way to change his life? Hear his classic true story now on the next UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3492 - Aired in 2017 | Pop-out a Player

“Christ-Centered Santa Claus” Classic

Faithfulness, Giving  

Forced to play the role of Santa just to survive. He helped others discover the true meaning of Christmas, which comes with a gift that no one deserves. Don't miss the surprise ending to this poignant Christmas story on the next UNSHACKLED!
