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Showing 1-9 of 9 programs matching "God" in English

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Program #3858 - Aired in 2024 | Pop-out a Player

Sainthood for Nicholas Christmas Classic

Assisted Living, Christmas, False Gods, Identity, Meaning of Christmas, Santa Claus, Self Righteousness, Self-Delusion  

A friendship develops at the Golden Years Retirement Community, where Philip learns that his new buddy Nick does not have a full grasp on reality. After an emergency event, Nick is faced with a critical of life or death. Find out what happens on the next Unshackled!


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Program #3760 - Aired in 2023 | Pop-out a Player

Marina Hofman

Brain Injury, Trauma, Trusting God  

Marina Hofman had her life and career all planned out, until a horrific car crash made her question if God really loved her and could restore her hopes and dreams. Don't miss her powerful story, right now on Unshackled!


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Program #3749 - Aired in 2022 | Pop-out a Player

God Controlled Approach

Intercession, Pride, Thanksgiving  

Two men, half a country apart, running on ambition, couldn't see any value in turning to God. But a blizzard, emergency landing, and newborn baby would open their eyes to a higher power that could work where they couldn't. Don't miss this listener favorite Thanksgiving Classic, "The God-Controlled Approach," right now on "Unshackled!"


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Program #3735 - Aired in 2022 | Pop-out a Player

William “Cull” Wilcox Classic Pt 2

Fugitive, God's Provision, Grief  

Cull Wilcox believed he could outrun trouble - mainly because he had. A fugitive living on his own terms, Cull wasn't slowing down to face consequences that couldn't catch him. Only God came face-to-face with Cull, and would make him face the fragility of his own humanity. Don't miss Part 2 of this exciting, classic true story on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3520 - Aired in 2018 | Pop-out a Player

A Nation Under God

Freedom of Religion, Independence Day, Patriotism  

We were an experiment that had never been tried before. One nation under God, still defending our liberties today from those who would do us harm-even some from within. Join us for this special Independence Day episode. on the next UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3452 - Aired in 2017 | Pop-out a Player

Bill Park Classic

God's Plan, Search for Identity  

Bill grew up in a Christian home, but after finding out a family secret, he leaves, at the age of 16, to pursue his own life. Then the unexpected happens. We'll learn more about the true story of Bill Park; whose life demonstrates the love of Christ and His sufficiency in all situations from the classic files of UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3449 - Aired in 2017 | Pop-out a Player

Charlie Koch Pt 1

Godless, Motorcycle Accident  

Charlie Koch was a carpenter's son who learned to build on a solid foundation of truth after a motorcycle accident. His is a story worth hearing. Invite your friends to listen to his true dramatized testimony, on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3341 - Aired in 2015 | Pop-out a Player

Helen Barteaux Classic

Ignoring God, Restless Life  

Life has a way of turning itself upside down sometimes. That often leaves us with a lack of purpose or direction, and a sense of confusion. But there's an answer. You'll hear how one lady found what the true Answer was on this episode of "UNSHACKLED!"


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Program #3300 - Aired in 2014 | Pop-out a Player

Dana Pankey Classic

God, Indifference, Self-Reliance  

Dana Pankey found himself in the cross-over generation from horses to cars-a cowboy and a mechanic. Then he met an old cowboy, singing on a street corner. You'll hear what happened in this Classic true story, on UNSHACKLED!
