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Program #0019 - Aired in 1951 | Pop-out a Player



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Program #3772 - Aired in 2023 | Pop-out a Player

Johnny Catalin Classic

Belonging, Boxing, Redemption  

Johnny Catalin learned to meet setbacks with his fists raised. Boxing didn't just pay the bills, it was a way of life. But would all this fighting lead to his demise? Don't miss his exciting true story, right now on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3151 - Aired in 2011 | Pop-out a Player

James Mullen Pt 1

Divorce, Drugs, Kickboxing  

Learning to fight against bullies, James Mullen became one until he learned the truth. Invite your friends to hear the testimony of a world champion in kickboxing, another true dramatization on UNSHACKLED!


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Program #3152 - Aired in 2011 | Pop-out a Player

James Mullen Pt 2

Kickboxing, Missionary, Urban  

Who in their right mind would choose to live in a drug-infested, crime-ridden center of a city? James Mullen does with his wife and children. Learn why in the conclusion of his true testimony, another dramatization from UNSHACKLED!


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Program #830 - Aired in 1966 | Pop-out a Player

Boxing, Violence  


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Program #829 - Aired in 1966 | Pop-out a Player

Boxing, Violence  


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Program #84 - Aired in 1952 | Pop-out a Player



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Program #1734 - Aired in 1984 | Pop-out a Player

Alcohol, Boxing  


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Program #0829 - Aired in 1966 | Pop-out a Player

Boxing, Violence  
